Monday, January 30, 2012

My life is shit....... Not really tho

I feel like crying. My life seems like shit right now. I'm late on rent and don't make enough at the moment. It feels like Made the hugest mistake leaving kotz before my certification and finishing my classess.

I've had many friends tell me that life gets hard but I will get through this. Thank you all for your support.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cross roads

It's the new year. I am at a cross road in my life. Do I turn left? Do I turn right? Do I keep going on this road that I've been on? I just don't know.

I don't know if the choices I've made so far are the right choices. I don't know if they are the wrong choices. I just know that I will take the road I am meant to be on; and not be faulted or waiver in my choice.