Friday, December 29, 2017

Ole Lake

Ole Lake. This is the name of the man who molested me when I was 10 years old. I still believed that uncle’s were here to protect me from harm. To keep me safe from people like him. I had no idea that there were people that would take advantage of a little girl the way you did to me 27 years ago. 

My life has been hell for the past 27 years. That is more than half my lifetime. Up until recently, I was truly terrified of you. I was still thinking with my 10 year old brain and reliving those hours you tore my spirit apart. Up until recently, I thought I would be afraid of you until you died. But that is not the case anymore. I am not afraid of you. You will not hurt me now, I will not allow it.

I don’t know why you chose to hurt me the way you did all those years ago, I don’t need to know why. All I need to know is that you do not have control of me anymore. I am not afraid of you and the next time I see you, i will not cower.